
In The Beginning

 Or how to start a journey into teaching? If you are thing of becoming a teacher, whether in Early Years Foundation, Primary, Secondary or Further Education, my number one tip would  be to get a Get In To Teaching Advisor from here . I discovered this UK Government service, whilst googling a few years ago and I cannot recommend it enough. It is staffed by ex teachers, who can advise on both getting in to teaching, by answering any questions you may have, but also help you apply, by checking your personal statement and offering  suggestions to make it the best it can be, giving interview tips, offering to review and give feedback on interview activities. Mine, Nicola Steele was amazing, supportive and positive.

Welcome and Hello

 Let's start with an introduction from myself. Firstly, thank you for coming here and reading blog. I am 48 years old, married and have a daughter aged 8. Last year, after thinking and pondering for several years, I decided to change my career and see if I could become a primary school teacher. Why, you ask? Well, I knew that I needed a job change. I wasn't enjoying what I was doing anymore and if someone said this to me, I would advise them to make a change, so why wasn't I listening to my own advice. I suppose fear and belief, also deciding if it was a new company I needed to work for or a change of career. There is the drop in salary too, but I knew any career change would involve this. Finally, after a lot of thought, I decided I need a change, accountancy wasn't doing it for me any more!  Despite the  difficulties of lockdown homeschooling (with having to also work), I enjoyed the learning that my daughter was doing, both set by school and other things done togethe